Seth’s Blog: Seven marketing sins… and how they relate to brand trust

In his blog today, Seth Godin outlined  Seven marketing sins.It struck me that “selfish”, “self-absorbed” and “deceitful” are actually antonyms of goodwill or benevolence and, since trust = credibility + goodwill/benevolence, these qualities immediately harm trust in a brand. Throw in some “inconsistent” and you’ve damaged your credibility trust too – a grand slam ofContinue reading “Seth’s Blog: Seven marketing sins… and how they relate to brand trust”

Six Reasons to Embrace QR Codes

You’ve seen microscopic ones on shampoo bottles, medium ones in magazine ads, large ones on car bumpers, huge ones on buildings and banners. Those funky little squares that you capture with your phone or tablet to access a web site, coupon or promotion are everywhere. Do you know how to create your own QR (QuickContinue reading “Six Reasons to Embrace QR Codes”